Meccanotecnica Umbra Group is attentive to the needs of industries operating in the renewable energy sector and therefore designs and manufactures mechanical seals for renewable energy plant applications.


Mechanical seals can be extensively customised to create tailor-made solutions to the specific needs of customers and companies in the solar thermodynamic industry. For Meccanotecnica Umbra, it is essential to create a close partnership that establishes a path of continuity, innovation and mutual improvement.

Tenuta meccanica assiale



For sectors such as Hydroelectric and Municipal/Industrial, Meccanotecnica Umbra is supported by its Canadian subsidiary Fugesco, which designs and manufactures unique, state-of-the-art mechanical sealing solutions up to a shaft size of 4 metres diameter. All products are designed and manufactured by specialised teams with the experience and ability to innovate in order to meet specific customer requirements. The specific mechanical seals for this sector must be able to withstand corrosive fluids, very high temperatures and pressures. Reliable and highly resistant technology is therefore needed.

Concentrated Solar Plant

Meccanotecnica Umbra has developed and fine-tuned a specific rotary joint system for CSP (Concentrated Solar Plant) plants. This is not a new type of technology: the SEGS plants in the Mojave Desert were built in the 1980s using diathermic oil as HTF (Heat Thermal Fluid). This oil can be dangerous because it is flammable and can be toxic to the environment in the event of a leak. This is why MTU has developed a zero-leakage rotary joint (patent pending).
Nobel Prize winner Carlo Rubbia had an idea that would optimise this type of plant using molten salt as HTF, with the aim of reducing environmental impact and increasing efficiency.

This type of fluid is environmentally friendly and can operate at temperatures above 500°C but however solidifies below 240°C. The MTU rotary joint has a patent-pending heating system that avoids this problem. In addition, one of the key aspects of CSP parabolic trough technology is the connection of an SCA (Solar Collector Assembly) either with a collector or in the crossover (in the middle of the loop). The flexible tube must withstand torsional stresses, especially when the SCA is connected to a fixed tube. In this case, the service life of the flexible tube decreases and very serious failures can occur.
Rotary joints completely avoid this failure by increasing the reliability of the system with a maintenance-free solution.
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